Fighting Dengue

Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. The virus is contracted from the bite of a striped mosquito that has previously bitten an infected person. The mosquito flourishes during rainy seasons but can breed in water filled flower pots, plastic bags, and cans year-round. The virus is not contagious and cannot be spread directly from person to person. There must be a person-to-mosquito-to-another-person pathway.

Mosquitoes which spread Dengue live and breed in stagnant water in and around houses, and places where solid waste is dumped. In order to prevent multiplication of mosquitoes it is important to dispose off all containers which may collect water.

  1. Headache                                                              
  2. Fever
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Severe muscle and joint pain
  5. Swollen glands
  6. Rash
  7. Bleeding gums
  8. Severe pain behind the eyes
  9. Red palms and soles

Prevention in better than cure!

  1. Throw away stagnant water from old tires, trash cans, and flower pots.
  2. Wear long pants and long sleeves.
  3. Stay indoors two hours after sunrise and before sunset.
  4. Use mosquito repellants (Mospel, coil, mat, sprays etc.), avoiding exposure outdoors at dawn & dusk.
  5. Keep patients under mosquito netting until they are no longer contagious.

Mosquito Trap 

  1. Cut a plastic bottle in half, keep both parts. 
  2. Dissolve the brown sugar in hot water and let it cool down to ~70 deg F. Add the yeast which will help form Carbon dioxide and will attract mosquitoes.
  3. Pour contents into the lower portion of the bottle. 
  4. Cover the bottle with a dark wrap and insert in the top portion upside down like a funnel. Place it in a corner in your house.
  5. In 2 weeks, you will be surprised by the number of mosquitoes killed.


  1. Rest and fluid intake for adequate hydration is important.
  2. As prescribed by a doctor, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine may be given for severe headache and for the joint and muscle pain.
  3. Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should only be taken under a doctor's supervision. 
  4. Juice extracted from crushed Papaya (preferably ‘Red Lady’ papaya) leaves is recommended for adults taking prescribed medicine for the fever. This is said to increase white blood cells and platelets, normalize clotting, and also repair the liver.

What not to do in case Dangue fever is suspected

  1. Do not give Aspirin or Brufen for treatment of fever.
  2. Avoid giving intravenous therapy before there is evidence of hemorrhage and bleeding.
  3. Avoid giving blood transfusion unless indicated.
  4. Avoid giving steroids and antibiotics to the infected patient. 

Signs of Recovery

  1. Stable pulse, blood pressure and breathing rate 
  2. Normal temperature
  3. No evidence of external or internal bleeding
  4. Return of appetite
  5. No vomiting
  6. Good urinary output 


Abdulfattah John Jandali – Steve Jobs’ Biological Father

Abdulfattah John Jandali  dont want to comment on steve jobs death.
Abdulfattah John Jandali, 80,Syrian, American Muslim a vice-president at an American casino and hotel group, and ex-political science professor, . and he is Steve Jobs’ Biological Father The Syrian immigrant says he is overcome with guilt for his treatment of Jobs and only learned recently that the child he gave up for adoption was the famous CEO.

World Snooker Championship shifted to India

International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) World Snooker Championship schedule to be held in Mahnama (Bahrain) has been shifted to India city of Banglore, due to crisis in parts of the Middle East. including Pakistan, All member countries of the IBSF are welcome  to participate entries last date is November 10, 2011

National camp in Lahore despite dengue scare

Dengue is badly effected from all aspects in human life. social life is tense and disturbed its very disgusting that corruption is involve in dengue killing spray.
In sports, Cricket is the most favourate game from all over the world.
Despite the dengue fever outbreak in the region, Pakistan Cricket Board has decided to hold the short conditioning camp of the UAE-bound Pakistan squad from October 10 to 13 here with extraordinary measures put in place to ensure their well being.
Soon after the national Twenty20 event was shifted to Karachi, some other sporting events were also moved out of Lahore or postponed. 

Wall St protests spread

Protests against Wall Street entered their 18th day Tuesday as demonstrators across the country show their anger over the wobbly economy and what they see as corporate greed by marching on Federal Reserve banks and camping out in parks fromLos Angeles to Portland, Maine.
The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations started last month in New York and have since spread across the country, born out of anger toward the financial community’s success during a time of prolonged economic hardship.
Picketers marched yesterday as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement that began three weeks ago in Lower Manhattan and has spread across the U.S. The New York crowd was estimated at 10,000, according to Patrick Bruner, a spokesman for the effort.
Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher surprised a business group in Fort Worth, Texas, on Thursday when he said, "I am somewhat sympathetic -- that will shock you."
n New York, members of National Nurses United, the profession’s largest U.S. union; Transport Workers Union Local 100, the biggest labor organization in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and the Working Families Party, a coalition of community organizations, marched to Wall Street from Foley Square, north of City Hall.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden also acknowledged the frustration and anger of the protesters on Thursday.

The head of General Electric Co finance arm, Michael Neal, said he was sympathetic to the cause.

"People are really angry, and I get it. If I were unemployed now, I'd be really angry too,". 

Steve Jobs Biography Will Be Launched On 24th October

of Steve Jobs’ Biography. According to AllThingsD the publisher has again bumped up the release date of authorized biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson. This time the date has been confirmed to release the biography is October 24th.
The official biography of Steve Jobs will be released on October 24, moved nearly a month ahead of the publishers originally scheduled November 21 launch. Since the passing of Steve, the book has shot to the top of best sellers list, despite only being available for pre-order.
The 32-page comic titled Steve Jobs: Founder of Apple is initially being sold on the NOOK and Kindle readers. The print edition is due for release at the end of October, with a portion of the profits from both issues going to the American Cancer Society.
All of this information is packed into 448 pages, available as a hardcover for $20.40 and Nook eBook for $14.99.

A section of the book overview says:

Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing off limits and instead encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly even foes, former girlfriends, and colleagues he had once fired or infuriated. "I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of, such as getting my girlfriend pregnant when I was 23 and the way I handled that," he said. "But I don't have any skeletons in my closet that can't be allowed out."

The cover of the book, featuring just an image and a few words in Helvetica, looks just like an Apple product. Have a look at it yourself:

publisher, Bluewater Productions, has said it is rushing out a special edition e-book of its forthcoming comic book on Jobs.

Real Virus

A virus called "VBMANIA" have been circulationg through email named "here you have" or "just for you " please do not open and delete this mail immediately dont open it or its attachment you should watch out for  these malicious  email both on your DOT computers and on your home computer.
this is the current thread it can also spread through accessible remote machines map drivers and removable media such as thumb drives.
be aware and keep safe!  

Apple created a condolence page for steve jobs

Apple created a condolence page for steve jobs 1955-2011
Apple made page for those who have been know steve jobs and his work
If any one would like to share  thoughts, memories, and condolences regarding steve jobs can email address mention at http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/

Mobilink has organized ‘Meetab’ in Islamabad to preview the Samsung Galax 10.1.

Mobilink has always shown interest in socializing with the digital audience and in that spirit
The Meetab, attended by over 50 bloggers from Islamabad, was a fun-packed social gathering with interesting talks on the impact of social media, the new jazz bananas and features of the new Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab, the first ever dual-core smart tablet to hit Pakistan.
The bloggers also took part in various activities,The Tweetathon was an activity where bloggers had to generate maximum number of mentions with the hashtag #Meetab in a limited frame of time. Pakistani twittersphere was soon flooded with #Meetab hashtag, which of coursed offended some users. Ehtisham Khan won the Tweetathon by generating over 200+ tweets and won the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tab.

Mobilink affirms that it will continue the tradition of having various blogger meetups around various parts of Pakistan in the future too.