Mobilink has organized ‘Meetab’ in Islamabad to preview the Samsung Galax 10.1.

Mobilink has always shown interest in socializing with the digital audience and in that spirit
The Meetab, attended by over 50 bloggers from Islamabad, was a fun-packed social gathering with interesting talks on the impact of social media, the new jazz bananas and features of the new Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab, the first ever dual-core smart tablet to hit Pakistan.
The bloggers also took part in various activities,The Tweetathon was an activity where bloggers had to generate maximum number of mentions with the hashtag #Meetab in a limited frame of time. Pakistani twittersphere was soon flooded with #Meetab hashtag, which of coursed offended some users. Ehtisham Khan won the Tweetathon by generating over 200+ tweets and won the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tab.

Mobilink affirms that it will continue the tradition of having various blogger meetups around various parts of Pakistan in the future too.


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