View from US: Three women worlds apart

They say you’re the author of your own life. I met two such authors who live in two different worlds. Of the third I heard when her famous brother died last week. Let’s first begin with Mona Simpson who is the biological sister of Apple giant Steve Jobs, dead at age 56. The brother and sister were raised in different homes and found each other in their twenties. When Steve was born, his parents were college students and unmarried. They gave him up for adoption.
By the time Mona was born, the parents had married only to divorce when she was 10. Mona is a successful novelist whose book’s launch, Anywhere but here, in 1986 was attended by her brother and mother. “We’re family. She’s one of my best friends in the world. I call her and talk to her every couple of days,” Steve once said in an interview.
His reunion with his biological mother Joanne was equally touching. He forgave her for giving him away; but not his father, a Syrian-Muslim, currently a casino owner in Reno, Nevada. The 80-year-old never reconnected with his iconic son. A Regular Guy was the next book Mona won fame for. It’s about a Silicon Valley entrepreneur resembling Steve Jobs. When asked if Tom Owens, the book’s hero resembled him, Steve said “About 25 per cent of it is totally me, right down to the mannerisms.” But he wouldn’t say which part of the equation...........Read More


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