Flood Watch!

Various parts of the country are receiving torrential monsoon rains that may trigger flooding particularly in southern Pakistan. Displaced communities from the 2010 floods still in the process of recuperating are faced with yet another environmental challenge. Heavy rainfall and resulting flooding lead to many problems including economics, political instability, food, health etc. Country’s productive croplands are currently being overrun by flood water. Moreover with population displacement, abnormal overcrowding and lack of access to health care and disease control activities, the health risks can increase manifold. Children are particularly vulnerable in these circumstances.

Following are some of the important safety tips for you to remember in case of a flood.

Preparing for floods

  1. Provide river and rainfall readings to responsible authorities.
  2. Establish early warning procedures. 
  3. Create and operate a Local Flood Warning System to identify areas vulnerable to flooding.  
  4. Have an evacuation plan in place before flooding occurs.  
  5. If advised to evacuate, do so immediately! It is best you move to higher ground before the     water on escape routs becomes too deep.
  6. Store drinking water in containers.
  7. Keep stock of food that requires little cooking. 
  8. Keep first-aid supplies and prescription medicines on hand.
  9. Contact your local emergency management agency to stay abreast of the latest information.

Safety Tips

  1. You should move important things to the roof of your house.
  2. Stay away from flood water. It may be contaminated (contain dangerous substances).
  3. Do not walk through moving water. It can knock you off your feet. If you must walk through water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to test the ground in front of you.
  4. Stay away from power lines that are on the ground. You could be electrocuted.
  5. Always keep your battery-powered radio with you so you know what is happening.

Family Safety Plan during an Emergency

There are certain things that should be kept in mind while making a Safety Plan.

You should talk to your family about:

  1. Where to meet away from your home in case of a disaster (like a neighbor’s house or the corner of the street); 
  2. Where to meet outside your neighborhood if you must evacuate. You should pick a friend or relative’s house; 
  3. Where to call to "check in" if you become separated from your family during a disaster. You should memorize the phone number of a favorite aunt or family member who lives in another area. You would call there to report where you are so your family can find you. 


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